
White Table Evening for friends & family Festive Meeting 2024


December Monday 9th saw a business meeting followed by a  very special Festive Board with wives, partners and guests. Sherborne Town Band supplied the music for traditional carols . . . . a grand time was had by one and all.

October 2024 Installation Meeting

Martin Richards was installed as Master by Paul Bradford in front of the Provincial Grand Master Stephen James, a number of UGLE Grand Officers, and many members and visitors. Martin is no stranger to Freemasonry. It’s not the first time he has been in the chair of a lodge. He’s a past master of his mother lodge  St Catherine’s 3743, a Metropolitan lodge meeting in London, and also Prince of Wales Lodge 4845 that met in Surrey. Through his masonic friendships he supported the lodge last week by inviting a hearty number of brethren, all of whom enjoyed the warm welcome that the local Sherborne brethren gave to their many guests.

Friendship is one of the key principles of Freemasonry and Martin has made many since he moved here from London a few years ago. Another principle is service. When we talk of service within Freemasonry we also mean supporting those in our communities and Martin will continue the support for the Sherborne Foodbank that Paul Bradford started during his year as our worshipful master (see our Charity page). Last year the lodge donated £1000 to the Foodbank primarily to support the establishment of a special educational needs cafe at the Gryphon School.

In March & April 2024 we were pleased to welcome two new Brothers to the fold.

Both Brothers came recommended to Benevolence through an internet introduction. They both reside in the Sherborne area so were ideal matches for our Lodge. It is very much believed that they will be a great asset to the Lodge, with both Brothers having a strong background in Masonry through other family members.

At the regular meeting held on 11th March, Brother Mark (centre) was initiated by

W Bro Colin Vine, kindly standing in for the Lodge Master, who was unable to attend.

At the regular meeting held on 8th April, Brother Fred (right of centre) was initiated by our Master

Paul Bradford. * Fred's Brother Christian presented the Working Tools in an exemplary fashion.

White Table Evening for friends & family Festive Meeting 2023

This year we broke with tradition.

On December Monday 11th the members held a short business meeting then retired for a very special

Festive Board with wives, partners and guests. Accompanied by the Sherborne Town Band for carols, a great time was had by one and all.

A special guest was the chair of trustees of the Sherborne Food Bank. We talked about how both organisations could and should work closer together. The Lodge raised £366 which we donated to this valuable cause. It's hoped that we can help them more in 2024, not just with financial or gift support but also perhaps with the sharing of our lodge building for them to use for their charity.

Lodge of Benevolence Installs New Master 2023

The beginning of October saw the Lodge of Benevolence Installation which is always a well-supported event, and this year the new Master Paul Bradford received over 50 members and guests at the lodge in Sherborne. The guest of honour for the meeting was the Assistant PGM Mike Parks, for whom it was the first visit to the lodge. The new Master Paul, also entertained a number of brethren from Yeovil lodges, where he was originally initiated before moving across to the lodge in Sherborne. The camaraderie seen on the evening sums up what our fraternity means to us. Lots of fun, laughter, a great meal, and a significant amount of money raised for the 2025 Masonic Charitable Foundation Festival Appeal.

On the evening Mike informed us that the members in Dorset have already donated nearly £750k in the last 5 years of the appeal, and this money has already been distributed to many charities, relief appeals and good causes.

Paul and his officers are looking forward to a busy year, with a number of prospective members currently being introduced. There are social evenings planned for December, and April, plus the ladies’/partners’ night next summer.

Lodge Celebrates the Coronation of King Charles III

Monday 15th May 2023 saw the members of the Lodge of Benevolence celebrated the Coronation of our new King by holding a special Festive Board, inviting families friends and hosting a number of Freemasons widows. The Dining Room was brightly decorated in a Royal theme and we were all treated to a delicious dinner. Those present took part in a King Charles themed quiz rounding off the evening with some rousing community singing. As an added bonus the event raised several hundred pounds for MacMillan Cancer Care.

Social Lunch 2023


Mike Rampling, this year's Master arranged his first social lunch in March at the Grange Hotel in Oborne near Sherborne.

It was not a formal occassion so was open to non-Freemasons and guests - a grand time was enjoyed by all.

Pathway Construction 2023

Lodge member Dennis Bailey RN Retired. conceived, planned and press ganged a working party to lay a new pathway alongside the Lodge building to provide an emergency escape route for anyone in the rear dining area. Well done to all - a splendid DIY job which saved a considerable amount of money.

Merry Christmas to one and all 2022

Path 1  180223)
Path 2  180223)

The  members of the Lodge of Benevolence enjoy a festive moment of carols at their 2022 December meeting accompanied by the Sherborne Town Band.

Graham Glazier, Head of Dorset Freemasons

installs his Lodge Successor 2022 

Members of the Lodge of Benevolence No. 1168 and their visitors were treated to a rare, if not unique, occasion on Monday 3rd October 2022 when Graham Glazier installed his successor, Mike Rampling as Master into the Chair of King Solomon.

Graham found time in his extremely busy schedule as Head of Dorset Freemasons to take on the Mastership of Benevolence over the past 12 months. The Officers and members of the Lodge experienced an unforgettable year due in no small part to the his inimitable and sometimes wicked sense of humour!

Graham and Mike are pictured here with a high-powered Provincial Team consisting of Deputy Head of Dorset - Steve James, Assistant Head of Dorset - Simon Delahunty and Provincial Officers - Mark Hinsley,  Doug Day and Andrew Larkin.

A very good-natured and convivial Festive Board followed where Pete Cairns led the members in a rousing version of the Master's Song and the members showed their appreciation of our Head of Dorset Freemasons by presenting him with a bottle of single malt whisky for himself and a bottle of Sherborne Estates Sparkling Wine to be shared with his wife Gail in a quieter moment.

Jubilee Celebration Dinner 2022

On Monday 13th June 2022 the Lodge of Benevolence, meeting in Sherborne celebrated Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee.

In a complete break from Tradition the members held a short business meeting then retired for a very special Festive Board with wives, partners and guests.

With the dining room resplendently bedecked with Union Flags, pictures of Her Majesty and reminders of the achievements of her reign and with the Brethren wearing various patriotic items of clothing, a wonderful evening was had by all.

Graham Glazier, Head of Dorset Freemasons made a special presentation to John Allan to mark his 50 years in Freemasonry and the evening was rounded off by 'Land of Hope and Glory' and 'Rule Britannia'.

A Perfect Lodge of Benevolence 2022

Pictured in the Temple of Benevolence on 11th April 2022 are the seven members making a Perfect Lodge. From Left to Right, Entered Apprentices Ash Philpin and Graham Hitchins, Junior Warden - Colin Vine, Master - Revd John Storey, Senior Warden - Mike Rampling and Fellow Crafts  Rufus Fox and Adrian Hill.

In the unaviodable absence of this years Master, and having not sat in the Chair of King Solomon for 11 years, John Storey presided over a magnificent Ceremony of Passing for Rufus Fox. Our stand-in Junior Warden, the ever reliable Colin Vine treated us to a unique rendition of the 2nd Degree Tracing Board (at one time cheekily asking the candidate if he knew it and could help him out!).

Later the Lodge was presented with a beautiful Freemasons Jug donated to the Lodge by the widow of the late member Hugh Taylor.

The origins and symbolism of of the jug will be researched by our Lodge Historian - John Allan.

January and February's Initiations 2022

New Masters Collar for Lodge Feb 2022 

Graham Glazier, Head of Dorset Freemasons, our current Master conducted a double initiation on the 14th February 2022. The ceremony was superb with a good many visitors from around the Provinces of Dorset and Somerset.

A sincere welcome to our 'new boys'.

Photo shows January's Initiates Ash Philpin (far left) and Graham Hitchings next to Graham Glazier and February's Initiates Arturo Serna (far right).

Our Master has worn the same collar for more than 150 years and it was starting to show its age.

Lodge member Neil Helliar kindly donated a new collar to the Lodge which has enough space for the Masters’ names to be engraved. The first name to be engraved will be our current Master and also Head of Dorset Freemasons - Graham Glazier

The Lodge of Benevolence gained its warrant in May 1869. The Head of Dorset Freemasons at the time, Joseph Gundry conducted the Consecration ceremony and his Deputy J.M.P Montagu installed the first Master John Goodden.

Graham Glazier, Head of Dorset Freemasons Installed in the Masters Chair! October 2021

Head of Dorset Freemasons Grahan Glazier was installed as our Master for the ensuing year.

Although not unique within Grand Lodge, an active Provincial Head being installed into the Chair of a Craft Lodge is rare. A large number of visitors attended the meeting, representing nearly a dozen different Lodges. Some came from within Dorset, some from neighbouring Provinces, and some from further afield, including Metropolitan Lodges. They were treated to a fine ceremony.

A small cohort of the Lodge members took the first step in the direction of returning to normality by holding a socially distanced business meeting on Monday 14thJune. We now look forward to a full resumption in September.

The pensive look on some of the faces relates to how Nigel, (2ndfrom left front row) who took the photo, would manage to photoshop himself into it. Answers on how he did it on a postcard ……… !

First meeting following lockdown restrictions June 2021

James Jesty Initiation 2020

James Jesty was initiated on the 13thJan 2020 by our Master Alan Wells after approaching the Lodge of Benevolence 1168 via the internet, wishing to follow in his grandfather’s Freemason's footsteps.

Although James understood that his grandfather Fred Jesty to be a Freemason, he did not know about the further connections. Fred Jesty also had two brothers (Bill and Bob) all three of whom were Initiated on the same night back on 8thJanuary 1951. They had been proposed by their father Robert William Jesty, who was initiated in 1920 becoming Master of the Lodge in 1935, he also took part in the ceremony back then. A further coincidence was that during James’s Initiation meeting, part of the Ancient Minutes of that night 100 years ago were read out and Robert James’s great-grandfather was then proposed as a candidate for Initiation as well.

Attending James’s Initiation were two other Entered Apprentices: a guest of his from Lodge of Faith and Unanimity, No. 417:

Lee Moretone – and a visitor from Lodge of Friendship and Sincerity No 472, George White.

Remembrance Sunday 2019

Current Master Alan Wells lays the Lodge’s remembrance wreath at Sherborne Abbey Memorial Ceremony 10thNovember 2019.

Alan Wells - New Master for 2019

Having to stand aside a few years for business reasons, Alan Wells was invited to step back into the Master's chair. The Installation took place on Monday 7thOctober 2019 in Sherborne attended by the Provincial Deputy Chris Lill and his team comprising Alan Curley, John Stevenson and Ken Shaw respectively. Included in the photograph next to the Master is his proposer into Freemasonry Chris Wright, and propping up the left hand side, John Allan, Secretary.
